
Glenn Miller Orchestra

11Sep 2024

Glenn Miller Orchestra

"We strive to play the music that defined that era in the same way Glenn Miller did. It's not about copying, but it would be very odd for both the audience and the band to play a modern, for example, disco version of 'In The Mood'; neither the audience nor the band would enjoy such a performance," said conductor Wil Salden. Although the Glenn Miller Orchestra was founded more than 85 years ago, its unforgettable melodies and arrangements still enrich the musical world. Wil Salden founded the European Glenn Miller Orchestra in 1990, bringing together top-notch musicians, most of whom are still members of the ensemble today. They all share a deep love for Miller's music. In recent years, they have spent more than 130 days a year on tour.

Tip predstaveConcert
ManifestacijaHNK Split sezona
SezonaSezona 2024/2025
Ansambl - tablice lijevo
Conductor Wil Salden


Redosljed polje492
Gostovanja u HNK Split